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One In Three Kids In England Ends Primary School Overweight Or Obese

More than one in three children in their last year of primary school in England is either overweight or obese, according to the latest figures from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) published on Wednesday.

The NCMP reports that the percentage of overweight or obese primary school children in England in Year 6 (the last year before secondary school, typically when the kids reach 10 or 11) rose from 33.4% in 2010/2011 to 33.9% in 2011/2012.

However, at the other end of the school, in Reception (the class kids join when they are 4 or 5 years old), there was no difference between this year and last year's figures: the percentage classed as overweight or obese stayed at 22.6%. Key Findings for 2011/2012 The main findings from this year's NCMP report show that: Of the 10 Strategic Regional Health Authorities (SHAs), the North East of England had the highest percentage of obese and overweight Reception age children (24.5%), while the South East Coast had the lowest (20.7%).
London had the highest percentage of obese and overweight Year 6 children (37.5%) while South Central and South East Coast had the lowest (30.8%).
Children in the 10% most deprived areas were more likely to be obese (12.3% of Reception and 24.3% of Year 6) than those in the 10% least deprived areas (6.8% of Reception and 13.7% of Year 6).
Year 6 children in urban areas (19.9%) were more likely to be obese than counterparts in towns and suburbs (16.3%) and rural areas (15.6%).
There was a similar pattern in Reception children: urban 9.8%, towns and suburbs 8.1%, and rural 7.8%.
Black or Black British children were the most likely to be obese in Year 6 (27.5%) and Reception (15.6%), while Chinese children were the least likely (16.7% Year 6, 7.3% Reception). National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) The NCMP was set up in 2005 for England and measures the height and weight of children in Reception and Year 6. The aim is to monitor in detail the prevalence and trends in child overweight and obesity levels. The data is used by national policymakers and local authorities to help plan and deliver services.

The NCMP gives each child's results to his or her family, with the aim of raising awareness of the need for and to encourage healthy lifestyle choices.

The NCMP also provides an overall picture in terms of the proportion of pupils in each of the following categories: "underweight", "healthy weight", "overweight", and "obese".

Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) collect the data, with co-operation from schools, in line with Department of Health Obesity Team's guidelines.

The NCMP measures more than 1 million children and is considered the most "robust snapshop of obesity levels among children in England", says Tim Straughan, Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), the independent body that collects health and social care information in Engand and publishes the NCMP report.

"While this year's figures will be of major interest to parents, health care providers and policy makers, next year's report will be particularly noteworthy because it will be the first time a high proportion of the Year 6 children measured by the programme will have also been measured as Reception Year pupils," he adds.