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Aarskog Syndrome

Aarskog Syndrome Causes

This syndrome is believed to be a genetic disorder that is x-linked recessive. Some studies contradict that it could be a disorder that is x-linked dominant which justifies the many cases of males that are affected by the illness. There are only a few cases of females with this syndrome. This disorder is acquired when a mutation happens to the FGDY1 gene or the faciogenital dysplasia which can be located on the chromosome X.

Aarskog Syndrome Definition

Aarskog syndrome is an inherited disorder that is often characterized by abnormalities of the face, short stature, genital abnormalities and mucoloskeletal anomalies.

Aarskog Syndrome Prevalence

There is still no known and recorded prevention to this syndrome. Prenatal testing can be done to couples with relatives that are known to have the disorder.

Aarskog Syndrome Probable Complications

Severe conditions could develop if this condition is undetected. Seizures and some cysts could possible occur. For those with abnormal testes, surgery could be a good option. Orthodontic treatments are advisable for those with problems on their teeth (especially those with misaligned sets of teeth).

Aarskog Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of this disorder could include: a mild case (which could also progress as the child ages) of being short in stature. This is often not obvious and can only be noticed once the child reaches the age of 1 to 3 years; a delay on the maturation of sexual characteristics; having a round facial feature; the eyelids appear to be drooping and the eyes are set wide apart; the nose could appear small with the slits tilted forward; a crease could appear below the lips; there could also appear a broad groove right above the lips; the middle part of the face could be underdeveloped; toes and fingers could appear webbed; a delay on tooth eruption; mental deficit (which could range from mild to moderate); a navel that protrudes; testicles that are ?undescended'; palpebral slant; and a chest that could appear sunken (pectus excavatum).

Aarskog Syndrome Testing

The skeletal defects could easily be revealed by x-ray but if the patient?s family would like to pinpoint if it really is a case of Aarskog syndrome, then they had better let the patient undergo genetic testing. This will reveal if the FGDY1 gene has really mutated.

Aarskog Syndrome Treatment

For the abnormalities on the patient's teeth, it is best to consult an orthodontist to correct any problems. If it's the height that has been affected, it has been observed that growth hormones are not effective means to improve the patient's height.