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Absence Seizure

Absence Seizure Causes

In most cases, there are no underlying cause can be detected for absence seizures. Most children only seem to have some genetic predisposition to them. Most often, hyperventilation and flashing lights can help trigger an absence seizure.

Absence Seizure Definition

Absence seizure is more commonly known as the petit mal seizure that involves some a brief episodes or some sudden lapse of conscious activity. This occurs most often in children. Absence seizure may often look like the individual is only staring into space for a several seconds. This means in comparison to the regular epileptic seizures, the petit mal is very mild. However, some people may suffer from hundreds of episodes a day, which interrupts ordinary activities.

Absence Seizure Diagnosis

Some children may experience episodes that look a lot like absence seizures, but aren't truly seizures. However, these may also be a sign of mental retardation, ADHD and autism. An electroencephalography and brain scans can help diagnose absence seizure.

Absence Seizure Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of absence seizures include lip smacking, fluttering eyelids, staring without unusual movements, chewing and hand movements. These episodes may last for ony a few seconds or so and full recovery is instantaneous.

Absence Seizure Treatment

There are a number of available medications that can effectively reduce or even eliminate episodes of petit mal seizures. However, looking for the right medication as well as the exact dosage can be quite complex, and often requiring some trial and error and should only be administered under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner.