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Acne Cystic

Acne Cystic Causes

Acne Cystic is said to be caused by the excess buildup of sebum in the pores.

Acne Cystic Definition

Acne Cystic otherwise known as the nodulocystic acne or the pseudo scars, is a medical condition that refers to an acne that usually developed into a small cysts.

Acne Cystic Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made through examination of the acne by a dermatologist.

Acne Cystic Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes occurrence of an acne that looks like and appears like a cyst though they are not true cyst inasmuch as they are not abnormal dilation of the skin but only inflammation of nodules.

Acne Cystic Treatment

Treatment includes the use of Isotretinoin.