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Acoustic Neuroma

Acoustic Neuroma Causes

The cause of Acoustic Neuroma is not yet known though it is linked with factors such as age and family history of the same condition.

Acoustic Neuroma Definition

Acoustic neuroma is a medical condition that is characterized by the growth of a tumor that usually develops in nerves near the ear. is a benign, usually slow-growing tumor that develops from certain nerves in the inner ear. No one knows exactly what causes acoustic neuroma. As an acoustic neuroma develops, it presses against the nerves related to balance and hearing, causing early symptoms such as: one-sided or high-tone hearing loss, ringing in the ear, dizziness, and problems with balance. Once a diagnosis of acustic neuroma is made, the doctor can describe the available treatment options.

Acoustic Neuroma Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made through review of medical history of the patient, physical examination and undergoing hearing tests or audiogram test and CT Scan and MRI.

Acoustic Neuroma Symptoms and Signs

Its symptoms includes loss of balance inasmuch as the tumor preses into the nerves that controls balance and hearing, one side hearing, ringing in the ear, dizziness and balance problems.

Acoustic Neuroma Treatment

Treatment for Acoustic Neuroma includes surgical removal of the tumor and radiation therapy.