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Acquired Syphilis

Acquired Syphilis Definition

Syphilis is a venereal medical condition which is and which comes in two categories: acquired or congenital. Acquired syphilis is further divided into sub-categories which are early and late. The early stage consists of the primary, secondary and the early latent less than two years of being infected. The late sub-category is described as late latent greater than two years, tertiary which includes gummatous, neurological and cardiovascular involvement, the two latter forms are also termed as quartenary syphilis.

Acquired Syphilis Symptoms and Signs

Both the congenital and acquired forms of syphilis could cause sensori-neural loss of hearing. Acquired syphilis (in both secondary and tertiary forms) may cause actual deafness. The clinical path of acquired and inborn syphilis is alike. The sensori-neural loss of hearing with low scores on discrimination could affect the two ears sequentially or simultaneously, and the vestibular complaints are also ordinary. Clinical diagnoses could be made with historical basis and the presence of other syphilis stigmata, and other serological tests (which include FTA-ABS). Histopathology of acquired syphilis may also cause meningo-neurolabyrinthitis accompanied with round cell penetration of the eighth nerve and labyrinth as the predominant lesion of the early congenital form and the acquired late latent form or tertiary syphilis. Endolymphatic hydrops could be seen in acquired syphilis. A histological diagnosis of the involvement of syphilis on the temporal bone was done by incudectomy.

Acquired Syphilis Treatment

At present, the first choice of medical treatment for all signs of syphilis is still the penicillin (which comes in the penicillin G. type). The penicillin effect on syphilis was already known widely even before the use of random clinical tests. This resulted into case series of penicillin treatments, expert opinions, and clinical experience throughout the years. Parenteral penicillin G is the sole therapy which has records or documents of effect when the patient is pregnant. In the case of early syphilis, a single dose of penicillin would be enough. Those who are not pregnant have acute allergic reactions to the medicine such as anaphylaxis. But these allergic reactions could easily be treated with doxycycline or tetracycline (there is limited data that support this claim, though). An alternative treatment is Ceftriaxone but the optimal dose remains undefined. It is concluded that all pregnant patients who are afflicted with any type of syphilis be desensitized then treated with penicillin. Those with ear problems can be treated with prednisone or penicillin for over a period of three months which results into a good function of the ear's cochlea.