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Acrochordon Causes

The specific cause of skin tags or acrochordons is unknown but there is a tendency that their development is inherited or it runs in families.

Acrochordon Definition

Small growths of skin that develop in some people on the neck, face, groin and armpits are called skin tags or acrochordons. These skin tags do not become cancerous or malignant since they are harmless.

Acrochordon Diagnosis

By just looking at it, doctors can easily recognize skin tags or acrochordons. Tests are not even needed for a skin tag with a characteristic appearance (being easily moveable, soft, flesh-colored or slightly darker and usually attached to the skin surface by a stalk). If a skin growth is being noticed that is too firm to be wiggled easily, you may ask your doctor for an examination.

Acrochordon Symptoms and Signs

These skin tags are flesh-colored growths on a thin stalk, ranging in size from small to large and are most commonly found on the neck, eyelids, armpits and in the groin area.

Acrochordon Treatment

Treatment is not needed for acrochordons. If they become sore from rubbing jewelry or clothing or if you find them unsightly, they can be surgically removed. It usually takes a week or two for it to heal completely. Even if all existing tags are removed, new skin tags may form, and some people take chromium poclinate 200mcg twice a day for such skin tags to disappear. This drug can be found in a specialty supplement shop.