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Acrocyanosis Definition

Acrocyanosis refers to a condition where the hands, feet or even the face persistently appear to have cyanotic or blue discoloration. The bluish color is caused by the lowered oxygen levels on the patient's extremities (some areas that can also be affected are the nipples, just the nose, or lips). The condition may not only manifest the pallor on the extremities but this discoloration could be accompanied by feelings of numbness, pins and needles sensation, soreness or even pain. The toes or fingers could also appear to be shiny and the tight-skinned. Acrocyanosis could also cause vasomotor disturbance (such as in the case of Raynaud's disease). This is a disease of the arterioles of the hands and feet that are exposed which also involves unusual contraction of the arteriolar walls which are magnified by exposing the areas to cold. This exposure results into the blue, mottled skin, sweating of the feet or hands, and chilling. It has been observed that patients who suffer from acrocyanosis may have acquired this condition because of the occurrence of other conditions before it such as emotional or mental disturbance. Neurocirculatory asthenia could also be an underlying cause. This condition can be subdivided into two forms: acrocyanosis (non-benign) with a sign which could allude to a more chronic medical concern; and acrocyanosis (benign) which is the more common condition which requires very little, if any, medical treatment. Females who are in their 20's are more vulnerable to the illness. The good thing about this condition is, it can improve as the patient ages.

Acrocyanosis Diagnosis

Usually, no procedures are required to diagnose the condition. If any of the physicians suspect a blockage of the arteries, color Doppler ultrasonography could be performed right after the person's exposure to the cold weather or even before the patient's exposure. It is also possible for the doctors to order blood exams to check for any symptoms that could cause this condition or to prevent Raynaud's.

Acrocyanosis Treatment

The most sensible protection against further experience of acrocyanosis is having the people protect the exposed parts against the cold weather. The bluish condition often occurs for a few minutes up to a few hours that is why it is important for the feet and hands to be kept warm. The parts that have been exposed to the cold could also be made warm again. Thick clothing is a must for patients who suffer from this illness (especially those who live in cold areas).