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Acute gouty arthritis

Acute gouty arthritis Causes

Gout is known to develop when the urate crystals are accumulated around the joint, which will cause intense pain and inflammation. Urate crystals usually form when a person has abnormally high levels of uric acid in the blood. The human body produces uric acid to effectively break down purine, a substance found in the body and in certain food groups.

Acute gouty arthritis Definition

Acute gouty arthritis is characterized as sudden pain attacks in the joints, most especially in the legs and feet due to the buildup of uric acid in the joints. Gout is generally caused by an abnormality in the individual's metabolism which results to the proliferation if uric acid that consequently reduced the ability of the kidney to get rid of the uric acid. Patients suffering from sickle cell anemia, diabetes and obesity as well as kidney disorders are among the people who are most likely to develop acute gouty arthritis.

Acute gouty arthritis Diagnosis

There are several tests that can help detect acute gouty arthritis. Joint fluid tests, where fluid is drawn from the inflamed area can help reveal urate crystals. Blood examinations can also be used to measure the level of uric acid in the patient's blood.

Acute gouty arthritis Symptoms and Signs

Patients with acute gouty arthritis may feel some unexpected bursts of severe pain in the joints, more frequently on the base of the big toe. Other pain areas include the shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle, arm joints and foot. Joints may also appear to be distended, hot and tender. Fever can also develop.

Acute gouty arthritis Treatment

The good news for patients with gout is that it can be treated most of the time. Among the common medications prescribed for gout patients include NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-flammatory drugs that control the pain and inflammation, colchicines to effectively control gout, and steroid medications, which can either be administered through injections or in pill form.

Drugs used for treatment of Acute gouty arthritis
