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Acute Sinusitis

Acute Sinusitis Causes

Sinusitis usually develops when the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract including the pharynx, nose, throat, and sinuses becomes inflamed. This swelling will obstruct the openings of the sinus and prevent the mucus from draining naturally; creating a moist environment that makes it susceptible to infection. The primary cause of sinusitis is typically viral in nature, such as that of the common cold virus. Other triggers include allergies, a deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps and other medical complications.

Acute Sinusitis Definition

Acute sinusitis is characterized by the inflammation of the nose and nasal passages that interferes with the normal drainage of the mucus in the sinuses. This causes difficulty in breathing with the throbbing sensation across the face, accompanied by headaches, and nagging coughs.

Acute Sinusitis Diagnosis

Diagnosis of acute sinusitis typically involves a study of the patient's medical history, conducting a physical examination, and perhaps using imaging studies as well as laboratory tests to get a definitive diagnosis. A CT scan can also be used to accurately pinpoint the areas of the inflammation.

Acute Sinusitis Symptoms and Signs

Signs and symptoms associated with acute sinusitis may include fever, facial pain, nasal congestion, erythema, dental pain, cough, bad breath, nausea and sore throat.

Acute Sinusitis Treatment

In most cases, the sinusitis will eventually subside without any need for antibiotics. However common treatment methods include, treating the allergy, use of decongestants, saline solution spray and antibiotics.