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Acute Toxic Epidermolysis

Acute Toxic Epidermolysis Causes

This illness is an immunological disorder. Among the diseases it is closely linked with is the erythema multiforme and the Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Acute Toxic Epidermolysis Definition

Acute toxic epidermolysis is a rare immunological defect that affects the skin. In this condition blisters develop on the skin and causes excessive peeling; the dermis then becomes more exposed to heat and substances and may resort to scalding.

Acute Toxic Epidermolysis Diagnosis

The disease is caused by the symptoms displayed by the patient.

Acute Toxic Epidermolysis Symptoms and Signs

The disease is mainly characterized by blisters that make the skin red and sore. Apart from damaging the dermis, mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and throat also become swollen.

Acute Toxic Epidermolysis Treatment

Multi-drug treatments can be used to treat the disease.