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Adenomyosis Causes

The primary cause of adenomyosis is still not clearly established. Some medical experts believe that adenomyosis is a result of a direct invasion of the endometrial cells into the woman's uterine walls. There are also some theories linking adenomyosis and childbirth, pinpointing the uterus inflammation during postpartum may be a trigger.

Adenomyosis Definition

Adenomyosis is more popularly known as amenorrhea, and is characterized as a serious health complication among women that consist of the detection of an ectopic endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, are found to extend into the muscular and fibrous tissue of the uterus.There are two known types of adenomyosis?primary and secondary. This disorder may coexist along with external endometriosis.

Adenomyosis Diagnosis

Diagnosis can be done through the signs and symptoms reported by patient, a pelvic examination, ultrasound imaging and MRI of the uterus. In rare cases, doctors may also perform endometrial biopsy to verify if the bleeding is not associated with other serious conditions.

Adenomyosis Symptoms and Signs

The main symptom of adenomyosis is the absence of regular menstrual periods. Other key indicators include excessive menstrual bleeding, painful menstruation, headaches, passing blood clots during period and menstrual cramps.

Adenomyosis Treatment

The treatment of this medical condition would largely depend on the underlying causes of primary and secondary adenomyosis. Most of the time, pain medications are the primary treatment prescribed. In severe cases, hysterectomy may be an option as well as the intake of oral contraceptives to manage adenomyosis