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Adie syndrome

Adie syndrome Causes

The most common cause of Adie syndrome is viral infection. Tumors, vascular lesions, trauma, giant cell arteritis and diabetes can also inflict serious damage on the ciliary ganglion.

Adie syndrome Definition

Adie syndrome, sometimes reffered to as Adie's Tonic Pupil or Holmes-Adies Syndrome is categorized as a neurological disorder that affects the autonomic nervous system and the pupil of the patient's eye. It causes damage to the postganglionic fibers of the eye that is usually brought about by bacterial or viral infection.

Adie syndrome Diagnosis

The patient's clinical examination may reveal some sectoral paresis of the iris. In some cases, the tonic pupil appears smaller over time. CT and MRI scanning can also significantly help in the diagnostic testing of the patient's focal hypoactive reflexes.

Adie syndrome Symptoms and Signs

There are three common symptoms of Adie syndrome: losss of deep tendon reflexes, diaphoresis and abnormal pupil size. Other usual indicators include hyperopis, difficulty in reading and photophobia.

Adie syndrome Treatment

The most common treatment of Adie syndrome include a prescription of reading glasses to effectively correct the patient's impairment. Also, pilocarpine drops can be administered as a diagnostic measure, usually applied three times a day. In cases where the condition is not treatable by drug therapy, thoracic sympathectomy is known to be the definitive treatment.