Adiposis dolorosa
Adiposis dolorosa Causes
There is currently no known record on the cause of this disease, and the lack of treatments have seriously affected the quality of life of the affected individuals. This type of this can be inherited and is categorized as a autoimmune disease and not a metabolic disturbance.
Adiposis dolorosa Definition
Adiposis dolorosa, is also known as Dercum's disease and Ander's disease, which is a type of a rare disease that is characterized by some multiple painful lipomas that usually arise in adult life. Among the individuals commonly afflicted with this disease are those who are also battling with obesity and occurs on both men and women.
Adiposis dolorosa Diagnosis
The diagnosis is largely based on patient's reports and from the doctor's physical examination n. There are no laboratory tests although blood sample may show indication of an active immune system and infection.
Adiposis dolorosa Symptoms and Signs
Among the key symptoms of adiposis dolorosa is pain in the fatty tumors that can possibly last for three months. These pain in the skin and fat can be quite intense and swelling may occur in certain parts of the body. This type of pain in chronic and can increase in intensity with the years. Among the most affected areas include the trunk, knees, thighs, and forearms. Other symptoms are general fatigue, skeletal pain, disturbed sleep, memory lapses, and headaches.
Adiposis dolorosa Treatment
Treatment for this medical disorder includes massage, pain medications, acupuncture, warm baths, and general avoidance of physiological and physical stress.