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Agyria Causes

The list below shows the probable medical causes of Agyria: Norman-Roberts syndrome Walker-Warburg syndrome Cytomegalovirus, congenital Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Muscle-eye-brain disease Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy Congenital muscular dystrophy, autosomal recessive Miller-Dieker syndrome

Agyria Definition

Agyria which actually means smooth brain is an unusual brain formation disorder distinguished by the absence of normal folds in the brain. Malfunctioning neuronal movement is the cause of Agyria where in the nerve cells travel from their original place to their stable location. It is a kind of cephalic disorder. Convolutions or gyri refer to the folds in the brain and this forms the surface of the normal brain. Young patients who have Agyria has have a lack of or partially formed convolutions which makes the exterior of the brain smooth.

Agyria Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms seen in a patient with Agyria includes: abnormal facial look, trouble swallowing, failure to thrive, and rigorous psychomotor retardation. Abnormalities of the hands, fingers, or toes, muscle spasms, and fits may also happen.

Agyria Treatment

The treatment for Agyria is symptomatic and is based upon the severity and locations of the brain abnormalities. Patient must be provided with supportive care which will help in to comfort the patient and aids in nursing needs. Medications may control fits and shunting may be needed for hydrocephalus. Gastrostomy may be needed when the patient has difficulty in eating. The degree of brain abnormality is the basis for the prognosis of children which can vary. Beyond a 3- to 5- month-old level, several persons present no major development. Others may have normal growth or intelligence. Before the age of 2 several patients will die though because of modern medications and care patients can live until they are teenagers. The most usual reason of death is respiratory complications.