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Albinism Causes

The underlying cause albinism is genetic mutation that resulted to the absence of melanin. In most common types of albinism, the albino inherits mutated gene from both parents in order to result to albinism. This means both mother and father are carriers of the mutated gene since one copy would not normally result to albinism.

Albinism Definition

Albinism is the term used to describe a heterogeneous group that display genetically determined disorders that are generally characterized by hypopigmentation that largely affects the eyes. This group of disorders will result to little or no melanin production; hence patients don't have melanin on their skin, eyes and hair. Albinos are quite sensitive to sun exposure and at significantly more at risk of developing skin cancer.

Albinism Diagnosis

A complete diagnostic of albinism includes physical examination, with special notes of the specific descriptions on the changes in pigmentation, thorough eye examination and a pigment history.

Albinism Symptoms and Signs

Due to hypopigmentation, albinos are unnaturally white and often display eye defects such as nystagmus, strabismus, myopia, photophobia or the hypersensitivity to bright lights, optic nerve hypoplasia and abnormal decussation of the fibers of the optic nerves in the optic chiasm.

Albinism Treatment

This medical disorder couldnot be cured although there are some small solution that could help improve the patient's quality of life. One of the most important consideration is the improvement of vision, provide protection from bright lights and prevention of skin damage.