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Albright's syndrome

Albright's syndrome Definition

In 1937, Donovan James McCune and Fuller Albright explained Albright's syndrome as an inherited condition distinguished by abnormalities in the skin pigmentation, bone ailments and endocrine complications. The diseases in the bone may result to the weakness of the bone and abnormalities in the legs, arms and skull. Diseases in the endocrine may the reason for early puberty and elevated growth rate. Patients are affected by several distinctiveness of the ailment to various degrees several individuals may have the condition and have no evident complications.

Albright's syndrome Symptoms and Signs

It is supposed that when two of the three subsequent features are evident: (autonomous) endocrine hyperfunction such as precocious puberty Fibrous dysplasia Caf?-au-lait spots

Albright's syndrome Test

LH blood test FSH blood test Phosphate urine test Ultrasonography X-ray - for bone disease

Albright's syndrome Treatment

1) Bone treatments a) Surgical bone grafting b) Surgical bone pinning c) Surgical bone casting 2) Ovary surgery a) Surgical ovary cyst removal b) Ovary removal 3) Estrogen inhibitors a) Testolactone - artificial androgen with antineoplastic movement. Prevents the development of estrogen from adrenal androstenedione and reducing endogenous estrogen levels because it inhibits steroid aromatase. b) Fadrozole 4) Thyroid-inhibiting medications a) Propylthiouracil b) Methimazole 5) Pituitary-related treatments a) Pituitary surgery b) Somatostatin medications 6) Treatments for phosphorus problems a) Oral phosphates b) Vitamin D

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