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Alcohol fetopathy

Alcohol fetopathy Causes

Alcohol fetopathy is primarily caused by alcoholism in mother as well as serious prenatal alcohol exposure that leads to congenital defects to the infant.

Alcohol fetopathy Definition

Alcohol fetopathy is characterized by a series of congenital defects that affect the facial, cranial, cardiac and nueral abnormalities. This medical condition also involves mental and physical retardation that occur on infants arising from excessive alcohol intake by the mother during pregnancy.

Alcohol fetopathy Diagnosis

Laboratory tests can be performed to confirm alcohol use and complications. Further testing may also assist in determining the increased levels of serum ammonia as well as amylase.

Alcohol fetopathy Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms of alcohol fetopathy includes low birth weight, abnormal facial features, delayed growth, intellectual impairment, behavioral problems, speech and hearing impairment, Low IQ, growth deficiency, poor, hand-eye coordination, weak grasp, infant irritability, small head, and childhood hyperactivity. Other key indicators include abnormal joint position and function, thin upper lip, short nose, maxillary hypoplasia, small distal phalanges, poor judgment, distractibility, and the difficulty in recognizing social clues.

Alcohol fetopathy Treatment

The primar`y treatment for this medical condition is total abstinence from alcohol. Supportive programs for mothers include detoxification and rehabilitation as well as aftercare programs to ensure long-term results. Establishing a good support group for alcoholic women is important. Acute intoxification can also be treated by preventing aspiration of vomitus, administering IV, correction acidosis and hypothermia..