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Amputation Causes

Amputation is caused by Diseases, such as blood vessel disease (called peripheral vascular disease or PVD), diabetes, or osteomyelitis (an infection in the bones). Injury of the arms is one cause of this disease. 75 percent of upper extremity amputations are complicated to trauma.

Amputation Definition

Amputation is the removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery. It is implemented to control pain or a disease, such as malignancy or gangrene. A special case is the congenital amputation, where foetal limbs have been taken off by constrictive bands. Amputation of the hands or feet is implemented as a form of punishment for people who committed crimes in some countries.

Amputation Diagnosis

Any patient with a traumatic amputation requires careful monitoring of vital signs as well as assessment for other traumatic injuries. If amputation involves more than just a finger or a toe, assessment of airway, breathing, and circulation is also required.

Amputation Symptoms and Signs

It is applied when body part that has been completely or partially cut off, when there is bleeding (may be minimal or severe, depending on the location and nature of the injury), patient is experiencing pain (the degree of pain is not always related to the severity of the injury or the amount of bleeding), when there are Crushed body tissue.

Amputation Treatment

It is important to focus on maximizing the patient's capabilities at home and in the community. Positive reinforcement aids recovery by developing self-esteem and promoting independence.