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Anemia, Pernicious

Anemia, Pernicious Causes

In temperate climates, impaired binding of vitamin B12 are caused by an intrinsic factor called autoimmune atrophic gastritis, wherein autoantibodies are autoantibodies are directed against the parietal cells, resulting the loss of vitamin B12. This condition also directs autoantibodies against intrinsic factor itself, making it unable to bind vitamin B12.

Anemia, Pernicious Definition

Pernicious anemia, also called ?Addisson's anemia? or ?Biermer's anaemia?, is a type of megalobastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. This condition is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in adults.

Anemia, Pernicious Diagnosis

Diagnosis of Pernicious anemia requires a full blood count and measurements of 12 levels in serum. To distinguish Pernicious anemia from other diseases that cause vitamin B12 deficiency, a Schillings test is recommended.

Anemia, Pernicious Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of Pernicious anemia include anemia and anemia-related conditions such as shortness of breath, fatigue and pallor. It also causes tongue symptoms, including soreness, redness and burning of tongue. Patients of Pernicious anemia also experience loss of appetite, diarrhea, weight loss, constipation, abdominal pain, fever, unsteadiness, muscle spasms, fever, malaise, spasticity, weakness, jaundice, upset stomach, chest pain and rapid heartbeat. Other patients of Pernicious anemia experience megaloblastic anemia, movement disorders, personality changes and finger paresthesias (or burning sensations in fingers).

Anemia, Pernicious Treatment

Since this condition manifests vitamin B12 deficiency, Pernicious anemia is treated by administering sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 through supplementation. Oral tablets are available; however, higher doses are usually given to Pernicious anemia patients. Vitamin B12 can also be administered through injection, which is normally given once a month to counter the deficiency.