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Anemia, Sideroblastic

Anemia, Sideroblastic Causes

The most common cause of Sideroblastic anemia is failure to form ?heme? completely. The biosynthesis of this ?heme? takes place in the mitochondrion, leading to the abnormal deposits of iron in the mitochondria that forms a ring around the developing red blood cells. Sometimes, Sideroblastic anemia represents a type of generalized bone marrow disorder, which ultimately lead to acute leukemia. Causes of Sideroblastic anemia include toxins, such as zinc or lead poisoning, copper and pyridoxine deficiency, ALA synthase deficiency and drug-induced clycloserine, isoniazid, ethanol and chloramphenicol.

Anemia, Sideroblastic Definition

Sideroblastic anemia is a condition caused by the abnormal production of red blood cells, normally as a part of myelodysplastic syndrome that can evolve into hematological malignancies, such as acute myelogenous leukemia. When this happens, the patient's body will have iron, but it cannot incorporate this into the hemoglobin.

Anemia, Sideroblastic Diagnosis

To diagnose Sideroblastic anemia, ringed ?sideroblasts? should be present in the bone marrow. Anemia is usually moderate to severe with marked poikilocytosis and anisocytosis. In the lab findings, patients with Sideroblastic anemia have an increased level of ferritin, decreased iron-binding capacity, 20% to 30% hematocrit, high serum iron levels, high transferring saturation, lead poisoning, slightly increased mean corpuscular volume.

Anemia, Sideroblastic Treatment

Sideroblastic anemia usually causes severe symptoms. As such, transfusion is often required, especially to patients that do not respond to ?erythropoietin therapy?.