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Ankle Fracture

Ankle Fracture Causes

The ankle joint is made up of 3 bones, the lower leg bone, the shinbone bone and the ankle bone. One of the bones can easily break during a fall or a serious blow to the ankle. Stress fractures is one of the most common causes of ankle fracture caused by repetitive use or force on the ankle such as in running long distances. Osteoporosis may also be an underlying cause in increasing the risk of ankle fracture.

Ankle Fracture Definition

An ankle fracture is a quite common injury, especially among athletes. There are three bones on each ankle joint, each one is susceptible to stubbing, twisting, stress and trauma. The degree of the severity of an ankle fracture varies from one case to another, ranging from mild to severe such as shattering the bones into tiny pieces.

Ankle Fracture Diagnosis

Physical examination and x-rays are among the primary basis of diagnosis for ankle fracture.

Ankle Fracture Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of an ankle fracture include the immediate throbbing pain, bruising and swelling, increase in pain, deformity, tenderness, inability to walk, protrusions, cuts, or puncture wounds by the bone fragments.

Ankle Fracture Treatment

Ankle fracture requires immediate medical care to provide relief from the excruciating pain. Doctors evaluate the injury and immobilize the broken ankle using a splint to prevent further damage. A sedative or relaxant may be administered to reduce pain while the displaced bone is put back into place. For multiple ankle fractures, a surgery is usually required.