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Anorchia Definition

Anorchia is a medical condition wherein both testes are not present at birth. Anorchia is also known as congenital anorchia, vanishing testes syndrome, vanishing testes, empty scrotum and testicular regression syndrome (TRS). During the first few weeks of fertilization, the embryo needs to develop rudimentary sex organs that are very important to the development of the reproductive system. In human males, if their sex organs do not develop within the first 8 weeks, they will develop female genitalia. When the testes are lost between 8 to 10 weeks, they will develop ?ambiguous genitalia? at birth. However, when the testes are lost after fourteen weeks, the baby can develop a normal, male reproductive system, but without testes. People with Anorchia have a 46-XY chromosome constellation. Signs of Anorchia include lack of secondary sex characteristics and an empty scrotum.

Anorchia Treatment

Tests for Anorchia check the X,Y karyotype, low testosterone levels, elevated luteinizing hormone levels and follicle stimulating hormones. Anorchia patients are also required to get an ultrasound to show if gonadal tissues are absent, check low bone density and determine if anti-mullerian hormone levels are low. Surgical exploration may also be required to obtain evidences of male gonadal tissues. Treatments for Anorchia include testicular prosthetic implantation, androgen supplementation and psychological support.