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Apiphobia Causes

Most people have friends or relatives stung by a bee, if not experienced personally. A bee can easily victimize a child when playing outside. Since a bee sting is quite painful, resulting in swelling for several days, the development of Apiphobia is quite normal. Extreme Apiphobia in adults is usually associated with lack of knowledge. Generally, most of the public with Apiphobia is not aware that bees only attack in defense of their hives when they feel endangered. In addition, most people with Apiphobia have mistaken bees for yellowjacket wasps, which are often misidentified as bees when stung.

Apiphobia Definition

Apiphobia is the fear of bees or bee stings, a common phobia among people. Derived from the Latin words ?apis? for honeybee, Apiphobia is a specific phobia ? an abnormal fee of bees. Apiphobia is a type of zoophobia common in young children, which could prevent them from participating in any activities outdoors. Older people with Apiphobia can control this fear more easily. However, a few cases of Apiphobia in adults, such as Adam Savage of MythBusters, may show extreme fear of bees. One method of overcoming Apiphobia in children is to train them in facing their fears.

Apiphobia Ecology and Aphiphobia

Apiphobia in humans has a detrimental effect on ecology. Since bees are important part of pollination, wild colonies of bees destroyed by people with Apiphobia can contribute to environmental damage. In addition, local population is objecting the presence of bee farms in their communities. As such, it becomes hard to find a location for bee colonies to be used in pollinating crops.