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Arsenic Poisoning

Arsenic Poisoning Causes

Arsenic Poisoning is caused by the chemical arsenic which may be commonly found in pesticides, tobacco, smog, dolomite, drinking water and even in beer.

Arsenic Poisoning Definition

Arsenic Poisoning is a type of poisoning which results from ingestion of food and fluid containig the chemical arsenic.

Arsenic Poisoning Diagnosis

Diagnosis includes undergoing several laboratory tests including CBC count, abdominal radiograph, undergoing imaging tests like the ECG.

Arsenic Poisoning Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms include stomach pains, vomiting, dryness and tightness of the throat, cramps, sxcorciation, diarrhea, hoarseness and difficulty in speaking,convulsions, cramps, clammy sweats, collapsed and lightheadedness.

Arsenic Poisoning Treatment

Treatment includes under going a chelation therapy.