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Aspiration pneumonia

Aspiration pneumonia Causes

Aspiration pneumonia usually results from a useless swallowing mechanism, it happens in some types of neurological disease or when a person is intoxicated. General anesthesia injected to a patient is referred to as an iatrogenic cause that is why they are instructed to be nil per os (NPO) for around four hours before operation. Any state that decreases a patient's gag impulses and/or capability to sustain an airway augments the danger of aspiration pneumonia or pneumonitis. Lesions/cuts on the intracranial mass Trauma in the head Abuse/misuse of alcohol Overdose of drugs Remote modification of the swallowing reflex related with pharyngeal ailment CVA - cerebrovascular accident

Aspiration pneumonia Definition

Aspiration pneumonia starts because of a foreign material entered the bronchial tree, commonly gastric or oral contents and is considered as bronchopneumonia. The swelling is augmented depending on the acidity of the aspirate, a chemical pneumonitis may develop and bacterial pathogens.

Aspiration pneumonia Location

The location of the disease depends on the gravity and on the position of the patient. The usual locations are in the right middle and lower lung lobes that are infiltrate development because of the huge caliber and more vertical direction of the right main stream bronchus. Aspiration while standing indicates that the patient has lower lung lobe infiltration. For alcoholics who aspirate in prone position indicates an infiltration in the right upper lobe.

Aspiration pneumonia Prevalence

Few researches have been conducted to characterize among aspiration pneumonia and aspiration pneumonitis. Some researches indicate that 5-15% of the 4.5 million cases of community-obtained pneumonia is acquired from aspiration pneumonia in the US population. About 10% of individuals affected by this disease and are confined after drug overdose will acquire an aspiration pneumonitis. Aspiration pneumonia is considered to be common internationally but there are no available statistics.

Drugs used for treatment of Aspiration pneumonia
