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Atherosclerosis Complications

2 main complications of Atherosclerosis: 1. Atheromatous plaques ? results to plaque breakage and stenosis of the artery which lead to blood insufficiently supplied to the organs it supplies though long compensated for by the enlargement of the artery. 2. Net aneurysm - results when the artery is enlarged severely. These complications are severe, increasing and slowly progressing. The development of thrombus results from the sudden ruptures to the soft plaque. The thrombus will quickly stop the flow of the blood within 5 minutes causing the tissues fed by the artery to die and this is referred to as infraction.

Atherosclerosis Components

The atheromatous plaque is separated into three different components: 1. ?Lump of porridge? or atheroma from the Athera or porridge in Greek that accumulation of nodular flaky, soft yellowish material at the middle of large plaques, consists of macrophages adjacent to the artery lumen. 2. Fundamental regions of the cholesterol crystals. 3. Calcification at the exterior base of older or more advanced cuts.

Atherosclerosis Definition

Atherosclerosis involves the arterial blood vessels. Because of the disposition of the lipoproteins, in the huge portion of the walls of the arteries severe inflammatory response happens. ?Furring? or ?hardening? of the arteries usually refers to atherosclerosis. Result from the development of several plaques in the arteries. Arteries' functions are carrying oxygen and blood to the heart, brain and other portions of the body. The major outcome of atherosclerosis is referred to as the cardiovascular ailments.

Atherosclerosis Other complications

Heart disease Blood clots Angina Heart attack Coronary thrombosis (see Heart symptoms) Heart failure Stroke Peripheral vascular disease Leg blood clot (see Leg symptoms) Claudication Intermittent claudication Erectile dysfunction

Atherosclerosis Prognosis

The usual treatments for Atherosclerosis eating foods rich in omega-3 a good source of which are from the fat of the fish or plant oils like canola oils, reducing weight and also exercising are part of the treatment. Ideally, the targeted serum cholesterol level is equal or not more than 4mmo/L (160 mg/dL) and equal or not more than 2mmo/L (180 mg/L) for triglycerides. For individuals who have diabetes, proofs have increased that they experience more chronic incapacity from atherosclerotic events over time making diabetes an advanced atherosclerotic ailment counterpart.

Drugs used for treatment of Atherosclerosis
