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Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder Causes

Auditory Processing Disorder is said to be caused by trauma in the head, chronic ear infection, and lead poisoning.

Auditory Processing Disorder Definition

Auditory Processing Disorder other wise known as the Central Auditory Processing Disorder or the CAPD for brevity is a medical condition where the person affected, usually children of school age, cannot process information they received through hearing because their ears and brain do not fully coordinate.

Auditory Processing Disorder Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made through an examination by an audiologists and undergoing screening for Auditory Processing Disorder and standard hearing screenings.

Auditory Processing Disorder Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms include difficulty in repeating back words and phrases without comprehension or the echolalia, re-auditorizatioin, unintelligible speech, difficulty memorizing names and places including words and number sequence and delay in the speech and language.

Auditory Processing Disorder Treatment

Treatment includes undergoing speech therapist.

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