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Bleeding In The Digestive Tract

Bleeding In The Digestive Tract Causes

Common causes of bleeding can start from the: Esophagus: inflammation (esophagitis), enlarged veins (varices), tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome), cancer, liver disease Stomach: ulcers, inflammation (gastritis), cancer Small intestine: duodenal ulcer, inflammation (irritable bowel disease), cancer Large intestine and rectum: hemorrhoids, infections, inflammation (ulcerative colitis), colorectal polyps, colorectal cancer, diverticular disease

Bleeding In The Digestive Tract Definition

Bleeding in the digestive tract is considered as a symptom for other diseases rather than disease itself. Common causes of bleeding are related to other conditions such as ulcer. The source of the bleeding may come from the gastrointestinal tract which includes esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or colon, rectum and anus.

Bleeding In The Digestive Tract Diagnosis

Endoscopy ? for direct viewing of the blood site Barium x-rays CT scan Angiography ? to highlight blood vessels Radionuclide scanning ? to locate sites of acute bleeding

Bleeding In The Digestive Tract Treatment

A doctor can heat treat, cauterize the bleeding site and surround tissue with heater probe or electrocoagulation device passed using an endoscope. Medicines are prescribed once bleeding is stopped to prevent bleeding from occurring again. Polyps are removed to lessen bleeding from colon polyps. Hemorrhoids are removed are performed to patients suffering from hemorrhoidal bleeding. Endoscopic injection or cautery to cure bleeding site located in the lower intestinal tract. Angiography is sometimes used if endoscopic techniques are not working. Surgery is only performed for severe cases.