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Bone Infection

Bone Infection Causes

An infection may travel to a bone through the bloodstream or by spreading from a nearby tissue. Some infections also start with an infection in the bone itself, particularly when the bone suffers from trauma and becomes exposed to invasive germs. Infections of the bone typically occur in the leg bone and upper arm bone, but may also affect the vertebrae, foot bone, pelvic bone, and collarbone.

Bone Infection Definition

Bone infection is a common term for a medical condition known as osteomyelitis, which is characterized by an infection that may begin in the bone itself or has spread to the bone from other parts of the body.

Bone Infection Diagnosis

If bone infection is suspected, a physician may perform a physical exam and feel for any tenderness, swelling or warmth in the affected area. To determine the type of infection, the following tests may be recommended: blood tests; bone biopsy; x-rays and other imaging procedures.

Bone Infection Symptoms and Signs

In children, symptoms of bone infection usually worsen in a matter of days or weeks, and may include: irritability; abrupt fever; lethargy; pain or warmth in the affected area; as well as redness or swelling in the region with the infection. In adults, symptoms may include: pain and tenderness in the affected area; warmth, swelling, and redness at the site of infection; and drainage from an open wound near the area of the infection. Some cases of bone infections are asymptomatic.

Bone Infection Treatment

In treating bone infections, antibiotics to target the infection as well as surgery are the preferred modes. Surgical procedures to treat bone infection include: draining the infected area; removing the diseased bone and tissue; restoring blood flow to the bone; or removing any foreign objects that may be causing the infection.