Bowel Obstruction
Bowel Obstruction Causes
Bowel Onstruction is said to be cause by an obstruction in the digestive tracts due to bowel compressions or entrapment.
Bowel Obstruction Definition
Bowel Obstruction is a medical condition whereby there is blockage or obstruction of the intestines that results to the abnormal bowel movements.
Bowel Obstruction Diagnosis
Diagnosis includes blood testing, X-rays of the abdomen,ultrasound and CT Scan. Biopsy, Radiology tests, lapaoscopy and colonospcopy may also be used to confirm the condition.
Bowel Obstruction Symptoms and Signs
Symptoms of Bowel Obstruction include pain in the abdomen, distenrion of the abdomen, fecal vomiting and severe constipation.
Bowel Obstruction Treatment
Treatment include surgical procedures and endoscopically placing self-expanded metal stents to temporarily relieve the person of the bowel obstruction. A change to a fiber rich diet is also advised.