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Breast Infection

Breast Infection Causes

Breast infection results from a bacteria entering the breast and breaking through or cracking the skin of the nipple, and then penetrating the nipple's milk ducts. The invading bacterium usually comes from a nursing mother's skin surface or from her infant's mouth during breastfeeding. After entering the milk ducts, the organism can multiply and consequently cause an infection.

Breast Infection Definition

Breast infection is an infection affecting the breast tissue of nursing mothers characterized by swelling, redness, and pain in the breast. It is also alternatively known as mastitis.

Breast Infection Diagnosis

Breast infections may be diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and a physical examination. A physician will also commonly check for breast abscess, which may developd as a complication of breast infection.

Breast Infection Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of breast infection can appear suddenly without warning, and may include: tenderness or sensation warmth in the affected breast; general malaise or feeling ill; breast swelling; skin redness appearing in a wedge-shaped pattern; pain or burning sensation while breast feeding; and high fever at 101 F (38.3 C) or greater. Breast infection typically affects nursing mothers, and more commonly occurs during breast feeding.

Breast Infection Treatment

Breast infections can be treated with antibiotics along with some self-care remedies such as resting and drinking extra fluids.