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Broken Ankle

Broken Ankle Causes

Ankle bones may break as a result of several factors, including falling from high places, suffering injury in contact sports, suffering exercise injuries, as well as a force from a blow.

Broken Ankle Definition

Broken ankle is a common situation characterized by a break in one or more bones that make up the ankle joint; including the tibia, fibula, and talus.

Broken Ankle Diagnosis

If an ankle break is suspected, the physician will conduct a physical exam and look for signs of swelling, tenderness, deformity, or open wounds. For a more definite diagnosis, an X-ray can be done on the affected area.

Broken Ankle Symptoms and Signs

A broken ankle may manifest with the following signs: swelling, tenderness, and bruising of affected area; immediate throbbing pain that intensifies with physical activity and decreased at rest; visible deformity; inability to walk or bear weight; as well as puncture wounds, cuts, or protrusions of bone fragments.

Broken Ankle Treatment

Emergency care for a broken ankle usually involves immobilizing the ankle with a splint to restrict movement and allow the fractured parts to heal. The broken ankle may be elevated or wrapped with a compression or applied with ice packs. In serious cases characterized by multiple unstable fractures and other complications, surgical intervention may be necessary to implant internal fixation devices to fix the bones in place during healing.