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Broken Arm

Broken Arm Causes

A broken arm can be caused by a number of factors, including: falling into an outstretched hand or elbow; direct blows from sports injuries; elbow dislocations; significant trauma such as during a car accident or other direct trauma; child abuse; and osteoporosis.

Broken Arm Definition

A broken arm is a common type of injury that involves a range of fractures in the upper limbs.

Broken Arm Diagnosis

Diagnosis for a broken arm includes a physical examination to look for tenderness, swelling, deformities, or an open wound. An imaging test such as an X-ray or a computerized tomography (CT) scan is usually done to assess the extent of the fracture as well as determine its exact location.

Broken Arm Symptoms and Signs

Usually, a loud snap or cracking sound can be heard when an arm is broken. However, some cases tend to be a little more subtle. In general, patients with a broken arm typically experience: severe pain that increases during movement; tenderness; bruising; swelling; obvious deformity such as a bent arm or wrist; stiffness; as well as movement restrictions such as inability to move the arm, wrist or elbow.

Broken Arm Treatment

Treatment for a broken arm depends on the exact site of the injury as well as its severity. In simple cases, simple remedies like a sling, ice, and rest may suffice. In more complicated cases, surgery may be required to realign the broken bone as well as implant devices to help the broken bone maintain correct alignment during healing.