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Broken Blood Vessel in Eye

Broken Blood Vessel in Eye Causes

The exact cause of a broken blood vessel in the eye is currently not understood. However, certain actions may trigger a small blood vessel in the eye to rapture, including: violent coughing, vomiting, powerful sneezing, or heavy lifting. In addition, diabetes and hypertension are believed to be risk factors.

Broken Blood Vessel in Eye Definition

Broken blood vessel in eye is known in medical terms as subconjunctival hemorrhage, a condition characterized by the breaking of tiny blood vessels just beneath the clear surface of the eye called conjunctiva.

Broken Blood Vessel in Eye Diagnosis

A physician can usually diagnose a broken blood vessel in the eye just by looking at the affected eye. There are no other diagnostic tests required.

Broken Blood Vessel in Eye Symptoms and Signs

The most obvious symptom of a broken blood vessel in the eye is the appearance of a bright red patch on the white (sclera) of the eye. In general, the condition doesn't cause any changes in the vision of the affected eye. Perhaps the only discomfort experienced is a scratchy feeling on the surface of the eye.

Broken Blood Vessel in Eye Treatment

A broken blood vessel in the eye can usually be remedied with applying a few eyedrops or artificial tears to ease the discomfort and soothe the scratchy feeling. In general, the blood appearing in the affected eye will be absorbed in 10-14 days, and no further treatment is necessary.