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Broken Hip

Broken Hip Causes

Although a broken hip can occur at any age, it more commonly affects people older than 65 years old. As a person ages, his/her bones gradually lose minerals and slowly become less dense. Consequently, the loss of density weakens the bones, making them more prone to hip fractures. Typically, a broken hip arises from a traumatic event, such as falling accidents, sports injuries, or car accidents, among others.

Broken Hip Definition

A broken hip pertains to fractures in the hip bones usually occurring in older adults aged 65 and above. A broken hip is a potentially serious injury with life-threatening complications.

Broken Hip Diagnosis

A broken hip can usually be diagnosed based on physical symptoms. To confirm the diagnosis or to evaluate the extent of the injury, an X-ray may be done along with other standard imaging tests.

Broken Hip Symptoms and Signs

Patients with a broken hip may experience the following symptoms: severe pain in the hip or groin area; inability to put weight on the leg on the side of injured hip; stiffness, swelling, and bruising in the hip area and its vicinity; shorter leg on the side of the injured hip; as well as turning outward of the leg on the side of the injured hip.

Broken Hip Treatment

A broken hip is a serious injury and almost invariably requires corrective surgery. Surgical options available for broke hip cases include: metal screw implantation; femur replacement; and total hip replacement. In cases where a patient has a serious disease that makes surgery too risky, nonsurgical alternatives such as tractions may be used.