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Bronchiolitis Causes

Certain viruses like respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenzae virus, flu virus and other infectious agents may enter the respiratory system causing inflammation and swelling to the bronchioles making it difficult for air to flow generously through the lungs. Contamination is often through close contact, sneezing and touching objects contaminated with respiratory secretions.

Bronchiolitis Definition

Bronchiolitis is inflammation of the small airways of the lungs, usually occurring in young children between three to six months of age.

Bronchiolitis Diagnosis

Wheezing and prolonged breathing out can be detected by the doctor with the use of stethoscope. Chest X-ray has the capacity to aid visual checking for inflammation of the lung airways and to detect pneumonia. Mucus sample test uses a nasopharyngeal swab to identify the virus causing bronchiolitis. Blood tests are used to measure white blood cell levels as an indication that the body is fighting infection.

Bronchiolitis Symptoms and Signs

Runny and stuffy nose with or without fever are the initial symptoms manifested when a child has bronchiolitis. As the infection progresses, noisy breathing out(wheezing), harsh cough without the presence e of phlegm, rapid and sometimes difficult breathing, in combination with rapid heartbeat are experienced. Bluish-looking skin (cyanosis) is a sign of a severe episode which requires immediate medical attention.

Bronchiolitis Treatment

Doctor will prescribe a bronchodilator (oral or inhaled ) to help open up airways in the lungs.