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Bursitis Causes

Bursitis may be caused by stress, overuse, or direct trauma to a joint, such as prolonged pressure from kneeling or repeated bumping. In some cases, bursitis may develop as a consequence of an underlying arthritis, infection, or gout. In most cases, the exact cause of bursitis cannot be determined.

Bursitis Definition

Bursitis pertains to a painful inflammation of the bursae (small, fluid-filled sacs that lubricate pressure points) that often results from repetitive stress on the body's joints.

Bursitis Diagnosis

Bursitis can be diagnosed based on physical symptoms and medical history. Although X-rays cannot confirm the diagnosis, they can effectively help rule out other possible causes of the patient's discomfort. Other diagnostic tests for bursitis include blood tests and fluid analysis of the inflamed bursa.

Bursitis Symptoms and Signs

Common symptoms of bursitis include: a stiffness or dull ache around the elbow, knee, hip, shoulder, big toe, or other joints; worsening of pain when pressure is applied or when the affected area is moved; warmth or swelling in the affection region; and occasional redness in the skin near the area of the inflamed bursa. Bursitis commonly occurs in the shoulders, elbows, or hips, but may also affect the knees, heels, or the base of the big toe.

Bursitis Treatment

Often, pain from bursitis goes away in a few weeks following proper treatment. Treatment for bursitis commonly involves: immobilizing the affected area; applying ice to reduce swelling; and taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce the inflammation and manage pain. If the bursitis is caused by an infection, antibiotics may be required. In rare cases, the bursa may need to be surgically drained.

Drugs used for treatment of Bursitis


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