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Candidiasis Causes

Most people have candida yeasts. Uncontrolled multiplication resulting in disease symptoms however is kept in check by other naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria co-existing with the yeasts in the same locations, and by the human immune system. A study among 1009 women in New Zealand revealed that Candida albicans was isolated from the vaginas of 19% women, who were apparently healthy while carriers experienced few or no symptoms. It was also found out that the use of external irritants such as detergents and douches or internal disturbances such hormonal or physiological changes in the body can disturb the normal flora. Other factors such as pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, engaging in vaginal sex immediately after anal sex without cleansing, using lubricants with glycerin have been identified to be related to yeast infections. The use of antibiotics among people with Diabetes mellitus is also associated to the prevalence of yeast infections. Among animals, diet has been identified as the cause of said infection. Other disease or conditions linked to candidiasis are HIV/AIDS, mononucleosis, cancer treatments, steroids, stress and nutrient deficiency among others. The use of antibiotic and steroid meanwhile are the most common reasons for yeast overgrowth. The Candida fungus flourishes in warm, moist and dark places. Exposed areas such the mouth, skin folds, armpits and vaginas have said conditions, making them vulnerable. Among males, penile candidiasis may be caused by sexual contact with an infected partner as well as low immunity, antibiotics and diabetes. Males yeast infection however, is less likely to occur and is only a fraction compared to women.

Candidiasis Definition

Commonly called yeast infection or thrush, candidiasis is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any of the Candida species. The most common Candida specie is Candida albicans. Candidiasis includes infections that range from superficial, such as oral thrush and vaginitis, to systemic and potentially life-threatening diseases. The latter belongs to a category called candidemia are usually confined to severely immunocompromised persons. These include persons with cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients.

Candidiasis Symptoms and Signs

Itching, burning, soreness, irritation of the vagina and a whitish or whitish-gray discharge are the common symptoms of yeast infection. The symptoms are similar to that of bacterial vaginosis that women mistake what they have for yeast infection. A study published in the Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2002 revealed that 33 percent of women who were self medicating for yeast infection actually had the disease. Among men, red patchy sores near the head of the penis or on the foreskin, severe itching and/or a burning sensation as well as a whit discharge, which is rare, are the most common symptoms.

Candidiasis Treatment

Clinical settings utilize antimycotics to treat candidiasis. Precaution must be considered when treating the infection because using antibiotics can lead to getting rid of the yeasts natural competitors for resources. A one-time dose of fluconazole has been reported to 90% effective in treating this type of infection. This is just for vaginal yeast infection however, other types may require different treatments.

Drugs used for treatment of Candidiasis
