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Carcinoma, squamous cell

Carcinoma, squamous cell Definition

Carcinoma, squamous cell is a type of cancer of the carcinoma that may happen in several diverse organs which includes the skin, mouth, lips, esophagus, urinary bladder, prostrate, lungs and cervix. It is a nasty squamous epithelium, epithelium that presents differentiation in squamous cell.

Carcinoma, squamous cell Related conditions

Keratoacanthoma ? it is a low-grade tumor of the skin. It starts in the pilo-sebaceous glands and alike in clinical findings and microscopic examination to squamous cell carcinoma apart from that it has a central keratin plug. Researches suggest that it is less likely to develop as invasive. Bowen's disease ? a skin disease that is sunlight-induced skin and considered to be a premature type of squamous cell carcinoma. Marjolin's ulcer ? is a kind of squamous cell carcinoma which happens from burn or non-healing ulcer abrasion.

Carcinoma, squamous cell Sites

Skin - Squamous cell carcinoma is the most usual skin cancer following basal cell carcinoma though it is more usual than melanoma. It happens to parts that are usually sun exposed and can be usually cured through excision only. The danger of metastasis is bigger comparing with basal cell carcinoma. Head and neck cancer ? poorly healing mouth ulcer, a husky voice or several constant complications in the area are the most common symptoms of this type of cancer. Surgery is the usual treatment and radiotherapy. Smoking and drinking are known as a risk factor. Esophagus - Esophageal cancer may be a result of SCC or adenocarcinoma. Common primary symptoms include Dysphagia and odynophagia. Esophagectomy may possibly cure the disease if it is localized. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are usually utilized if the disease has already spread. Lung ? it usually causes ectopic creation of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) that results to hypercalcemia. Prostate ? when it is related to prostate it is very hostile in nature. There is no elevation in prostrate specific antigen levels which makes it hard to be detected which means that the cancer usually is diagnosed at an advanced stage. ?Vagina and cervix ? scatters gradually and commonly resides near the vagina though it may spread to the liver and lungs. This is known to be the most usual kind of vaginal cancer.

Carcinoma, squamous cell Terminology

Carcinoma can be distinguished as either confined to the original site or invasive which is based on whether the cancer attacks primary tissues, the only ones that are capable of spreading to other organs are invasive cancer and can cause metastasis.