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Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic Pelvic Pain Causes

The condition may be cause by gynecologic problems or some other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and interstitial cystitis. Psychological factors may contribute to the pain.

Chronic Pelvic Pain Definition

Chronic pelvic pain refers to any pain in the pelvic region lasting six months or more. It may be a symptom of another disease, or designated as a condition in its own right.

Chronic Pelvic Pain Diagnosis

The doctor asks the patient to describe the pain as well as when it occurs and how long it lasts. He or she also discusses the patient's personal health history and family history. Tests or exams such as pelvic examination, cultures, laparoscopy, and pain mapping may also be recommended.

Chronic Pelvic Pain Symptoms and Signs

Persons experiencing chronic pelvic pain feel a severe and steady pain, intermittent pain, dull aching, sharp pains or cramping, and pressure or heaviness deep within the pelvis. Additionally, they may also feel pain during intercourse, while having a bowel movement, or just sitting down. Standing for long periods can cause the pain to intensify and may only be relieved when lying down.

Chronic Pelvic Pain Treatment

If the doctor determines the specific underlying cause of the pain, the treatment focuses on eliminating the cause. Otherwise, the treatment focuses on managing the pain. Doctors may recommend possible treatments for chronic pelvic pain such as pain relievers, hormone treatments, antibiotics, antidepressants, physical therapy, counseling, trigger point injections, and nerve separation. Surgery may also be recommended to correct certain underlying problems such as pelvic adhesions or endometriosis deposits. Self-care techniques may be used to ease discomfort such as relaxation, emotional support, and stress management.