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Click Murmur Syndrome

Click Murmur Syndrome Causes

People with the condition have abnormal mitral valve leaflets keeping the valve from closing normally, which may be inherited. People at risk of developing the condition are those with Marfan syndrome and connective tissue disorders.

Click Murmur Syndrome Definition

Click-murmur syndrome, also known as Mitral valve prolapse, is a heart disorder in which the valve between the left upper chamber of the heart and its left lower chamber does not close properly.

Click Murmur Syndrome Diagnosis

The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to a patient's heart. He or she diagnose click-murmur syndrome when a clicking sound is heard as the valve leaflets billow out, followed by a murmur that results from blood flowing back into the atrium. The doctor conducts an echocardiogram to confirm the diagnosis.

Click Murmur Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Most people with the condition do not experience any symptoms but when they occur, it is usually because the blood is leaking backward through the valve. Symptoms vary from person to person, which may include a racing or irregular heartbeat, dizziness or lightheadedness, breathing difficulty oftentimes when lying flat or during physical exertion, fatigue, and chest pain that is not associated with a heart attack or coronary artery disease.

Click Murmur Syndrome Treatment

In most people, mitral valve prolapse is harmless and doesn't require treatment or changes in lifestyle. However, some people may need treatment. Doctors may prescribe medications to treat symptoms such as chest pain, heart rhythm abnormalities, or other complications. Prescribed medications may include beta blockers, aspirin, and prescription anticoagulants. Doctors may also recommend surgical treatment if the patient has severe mitral valve regurgitation with or without symptoms. The surgery may be valve repair or valve replacement.