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Clubfoot Causes

There are various causes for clubfoot. The most common is the Edward's syndrome, which is a genetic defect, but also the use of MDMA or Ecstasy while pregnant has contributed to the disease.

Clubfoot Definition

Clubfoot is a congenital defect wherein the foot is inverted and down. It is a common defect, occurring in one in every 1,000 births. The condition more commonly afflicts males than females. When untreated, those who have clubfoot will seem like they are walking on their ankles.

Clubfoot Diagnosis

When the mother is about 16 weeks pregnant, a prenatal diagnosis can be made to see if her infant has clubfoot. But this is more easily confirmed during the initial physical checkup after she gives birth. Clubfoot is a progressive disease, and should be diagnosed right away to adjust to the bone changes that will occur over the years. All treatment given to a patient has the goal of eliminating clubfoot and helping the patient have a normal foot as much as possible.

Clubfoot Treatment

The Ponseti Method is a popular and effective method for treating clubfoot, and is also quickly becoming the norm in the United States. The method proves effective for about 95% of the cases, if performed correctly. Braces and surgery may also be done for treatment.