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Coma Causes

A person may be in a coma due to any of a variety of problems such as rraumatic brain injuries, stroke, diabetes, lack of oxygen, infections, or toxins, which may also cause brain damage leading to coma.

Coma Definition

Coma is a state in which an individual is unconscious for a prolonged length of time due to a variety of problems such as a stroke, traumatic head injury, brain tumor, or an underlying illness such as an infection or diabetes.

Coma Diagnosis

Doctors perform a physical examination on the patient by checking reflexes and response to painful stimuli as well as the pupil size. Blood samples are also taken to check complete blood count, electrolytes, glucose, and liver function, carbon monoxide poisoning, or drug overdose. The doctor may also perform a spinal tap or brain scans.

Coma Symptoms and Signs

Individuals who are in a coma have closed eyes. Their limbs do not respond to any stimuli except for reflex movements.

Coma Treatment

Treatment depends on the cause of the coma. Individuals in coma are given assistance in maintaining their respiration and circulation. They may be administered intravenously with glucose or antibiotics in case of diabetic shock or the brain affected by an infection. Doctors may opt for surgery to alleviate brain swelling.

Drugs used for treatment of Coma

Pilocarpine Eye Drops