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Compulsive Stealing

Compulsive Stealing Causes

The cause of the disorder is unknown. Some research suggests that problems with the brain's naturally occurring chemical called serotonin may contribute to the development of the disorder. Some also suggests that it may be related to other addictive disorders or to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Compulsive Stealing Definition

Compulsive stealing or kleptomania is a serious mental disorder in which an individual cannot resist the urge to steal items often with little value.

Compulsive Stealing Diagnosis

The individual undergoes a physical and psychological evaluation from a specialist. It is diagnosed based on the individual's signs and symptoms. The physical examination only determines whether any physical causes are triggering the symptoms. The individual is be diagnosed with the condition based on the criteria set in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.

Compulsive Stealing Symptoms and Signs

Individuals with kleptomania cannot resist the urge to steal in order to soothe their feelings of anxiety, tenseness, or being aroused. After stealing however, they feel guilty, remorseful, and afraid of being arrested. They usually steal from public places often for things that have no value for him or her.

Compulsive Stealing Treatment

There is no standard treatment for the condition but it usually involves medications and psychotherapy, and maybe with self-help groups.