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Condyloma acuminatum

Condyloma acuminatum Causes

Condyloma acuminatum and genital infection is mainly caused by the HPV virus that would result in the local infections that usually appears as warty papillary lesions. This medical condition is caused by sexual contact with an infected partner.

Condyloma acuminatum Definition

Condyloma acuminatum is more popularly known as genital warts and is largely categorized as a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus. The estimated incubation period of this disease is approximately three months and is known to be highly contagious. The warts usually grow on the perianal and vulva areas, the cervix and vagina walls as well as the penis shaft for males. Lesions appear to be wart like and can be easily recognizable upon application of acetic acid or vinegar during examination.

Condyloma acuminatum Diagnosis

Diagnosis is largely based on the appearance of warts on the genital area, along with vulvar biopsy, when necessary.

Condyloma acuminatum Symptoms and Signs

Physical inspection would naturally include a close examination of the genitalia to check the symptoms of condyloma acuminatum and would require good lighting. The warts are characterized by discrete papillary growth, with tiny and slightly raised areas that can be easily felt and seen on the cervix and vagina of the patient.

Condyloma acuminatum Treatment

There are a large variety of medical treatments that currently exists for the treatment for condyloma acuminate. Among the most popular ones include podofilox solutions or gels that are prescribed to be applied 2-3 times dailym. Trichloroacetric and bichloroacetic acids are also among the treatment options as well as laser vaporization and surgical removal.