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Congenital facial diplegia

Congenital facial diplegia Causes

The underlying cause of congenital facial diplegia is the autosomal dominant inheritance that comes with the variable expression as well as the incomplete penetration. There are several patient with this rare condition that have been known to have hypogonadism. Other pathogenesis include nuclear destruction, primary myopathy and the peripheral nerve abnormality.

Congenital facial diplegia Definition

Congenital facial diplegia or more popularly known as Mobius syndrome is categorized as an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes facial paralysis among newborn babies. This is known to be caused by the underdevelopment of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves that are known to control the facial expression and eye movements.

Congenital facial diplegia Diagnosis

Congenital facial diplegia can be diagnosed mainly on the basis of the patient's history along with some neurophysiologic and radiologic tests and physical examinations. A closer observation of the patient's face can also be done to further assess the extent of the damage.

Congenital facial diplegia Symptoms and Signs

Among the identified symptoms of congenital facial diplegia include acute facial paralysis, the lack of expression as well as the inability of the baby to smile. Other newborns also display the inability to suck.

Congenital facial diplegia Treatment

Treatment approach for congenital Facial Diplegia typically includes surgery for any facial defects including plastic reconstructive surgery, feeding support for babies, and physical therapy.. 1

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