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Constitutional Growth Delay

Constitutional Growth Delay Causes

The cause of the condition is thought to be the result of inherited genes coming from both the parents.

Constitutional Growth Delay Definition

Constitutional growth delay or CGD is used to define the temporary delay in growth of the skeletal system, resulting to pubertal delay and short stature. Children with CGD have normal birth length and weight, but at one point of their growing years, there is a slow down in development. Some teens have normal growth rate as younger kids, but lag behind and do not begin pubertal development and growth spurt like most teens. Individuals with CGD are often referred to as ?late bloomers?.

Constitutional Growth Delay Diagnosis

A doctor can diagnose Constitutional Growth Delay through physical examination and tests. Although consulting an endocrinologist can sometimes be sought to confirm diagnosis.

Constitutional Growth Delay Symptoms and Signs

The common symptoms include delayed dental growth in children, short stature, delayed onset of puberty and sexual development.

Constitutional Growth Delay Treatment

Treatment options for CGD include medical care aimed at acquiring a number of careful growth measurements; and balanced diet that have enough calcium and calories to support bone development and normal growth. It's not necessary to restrict activities, but one must know their physical limitations in contact sports. Since CGD isn't a disorder but instead a normal growth variation, medical treatment isn't necessary.