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Cor Pulmonale

Cor Pulmonale Causes

The disorder is due to a strain on the heart's right ventricle, rooting from prolonged pulmonary hypertension. When the right ventricle is unable to or fails to correctly pump against the abnormal high pressures, Cor pulmonale results. Some of these underlying causes include cystic fibrosis, primary pulmonary hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, interstitial lung disorder, pneuomoconiosis, pulmonary vascular disorder, mountain sickness, and kyphoscoliosis.

Cor Pulmonale Definition

Cor pulmonale as defined, is a change in function and structure of the heart's right ventricle resulting from a respiratory system disorder. It is a condition wherein the heart's right side fails, caused by lengthened high blood pressure in right ventricle and pulmonary artery.

Cor Pulmonale Diagnosis

Cor pulmonale is diagnosed through history, physical examination, and tests. Some tests include chest X-ray, chest CAT scan, echocardiogram, pulmonary function tests, V/Q scan, brain natriuretic peptide blood test, measurement of blood oxygen, and lung biopsy.

Cor Pulmonale Symptoms and Signs

The disease is characterized by ankle or feet swelling, chest discomfort, breath shortness, exercise intolerance, and signs of an underlying disorder, such as coughing and sneezing.

Cor Pulmonale Treatment

Treatments are aimed at the disorder's underlying illness. This may include supplemental oxygen, medications, calcium channel blockers, prostacyclin, sildenafil or bosentan, and blood thinning medicines.