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Cronkhite-Canada disease

Cronkhite-Canada disease Causes

Research has not shed some light into what causes this syndrome. What is known is that Cronkhite-Canada is not hereditary and that it largely affects Japanese more than any race. Two-thirds of reported cases came from the country, with male to female patient ratio at 2:1.

Cronkhite-Canada disease Definition

The rare syndrome Cronkhite-Canada is a disorder prevalent among individuals 50 to 60 years old and characterized by the presence of multiple polyps in our digestive tract. The polyps affect the large intestine, stomach, small intestine and esophagus, causing gastrointestinal disturbances, malnutrition, malabsorption and even colorectal cancer. The polyps are hamartomas, growths which are often non-cancerous.

Cronkhite-Canada disease Diagnosis

These tests are needed to rule out other diseases as the causes of the symptoms ? baseline blood test and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Patients with Cronkhite-Canada have to continuously undergo laboratory examinations to monitor the progress of the disease.

Cronkhite-Canada disease Symptoms and Signs

Many patients suffering from Cronkhite-Canada will experience changes in skin pigmentation, diarrhea, alopecia, hair and nail loss and profound malnutrition. The disease progresses over time, with the nutritional symptoms eventually leading to situations such as edema and alarming loss of weight.

Cronkhite-Canada disease Treatment

A combination of intensive treatments, which may include medications, surgery and changes in diet, are necessary in managing the disease and its complications effectively. Replacing fluids, electrolytes along with meeting required nutrients are helpful. Systemic infections may be remedied by antibiotics. Surgery is advisable to address complications such as malignancy, bleeding ulcers, intussusception, and perforation.